Tuesday, May 21, 2019

     This is what has been happening around the pond this week - high water everywhere. This picture was at James and Gretchen Farnsworth's on Sandy Beach Road. Their dock was completely afloat - and their lawn awash. Gretchen said there was no damage - at least so far. The wind was whipping here today and that can do some damage when the water is high.
      Looking ahead the weather this week is not great. Tomorrow will be partly cloudy and a little warmer than today was, and there may be some scattered showers. Showers are predicted every day through Sunday. It could clear a little on Monday and Tuesday, but then back to showers. Looks like temperatures will be in the low to mid 60s - nothing to write home about, for sure. Great weather for black flies and mosquitoes, but not much good for growing anything except grass. We really need more sunshine here, but may not get much except perhaps a little Saturday. 
     If we don't get a lot more rain, the pond may get a chance to get down to a more normal level, but it probably won't happen quickly. So the costume at Joe's Pond for the foreseeable future is woolies and waders. If you decide to launch your boat (presuming you have a dock stable enough to tie up to) please be cautious as there are all sorts of partially submerged and floating obstacles in the water that could be dangerous if you run into or over them.


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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...