Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Billy Keach

The Joe's Pond community is shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of our good friend and long-time Joe's Pond Association member, Billy Keach (Narrows Drive). Billy suffered a severe asthma attack and then went into cardiac arrest this weekend. He was rushed to Dartmouth Hitchcock Memorial Hospital where he later passed away. We will miss his good nature, generous spirit and caring ways. Bill always had a warm greeting for everyone, often with a big teddy-bear hug. Summer at Joe's Pond won't be quite the same without him. The  thoughts and prayers of his many friends here at Joe's Pond are with his wife, Bo and their family. To send condolences, direct them to P.O. Box 165, West Danville VT 05873.

I will post further information as soon as it is available.

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