Thursday, October 11, 2018

We had another summer day here with temperature in the high 70s and lots of sunshine. Records were broken for high temps on this date. I tried to work in my flower beds again, but had to quit after only about half an hour. I really don't do well in heat, and this was extreme for me. I'm ok if I'm sitting still (in the shade) but moving around, cutting back flowers, pulling weeds and vines knocked me out. I felt better after a cool shower and a little rest in our cool bedroom. There was a nice breeze and the air smelled sweet and fresh in spite of the heat. It had the smell of fall leaves and the woods. Just a hint of smoke - perhaps someone had a wood stove going or maybe there was a forest fire someplace far away. Nice.
     It's funny how odors bring back memories. Like melodies do, too. There are times when I tear up listening to music. Like when I'm watching a parade or when I go to a concert. Music gets to me. But today it was the smell of fall on the breeze and I thought about kids coming home from school. There was a hint of mint - there's lots of mint growing in the un-mowed ditch across our back lawn - and that reminded me of cold springs and scooping water in my hands to drink on a hot day getting the cows from the pasture. 
     I trimmed one of our cedars today and that was a nice smell, too. I thought about how the old timers made cedar oil in stills set up by a brook, often in a cedar swamp. The distilled oil was used in medicines and cleaning agents, candles and insect repellants - it was used in Vicks Vaporub - maybe still is, I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if Vermont's famous Bag Balm, made in Lyndonville, has cedar oil in it. Perhaps there is some synthetic used now, but only a few decades ago cedar oil was a thriving business here. It was an essential oil, for sure. I need to get in touch with my friend in Alaska who used to have a monopoly on the cedar oil business here in Vermont a few years ago. He has given me some wonderful first-hand information about the process, and I'm using it in the West Danville history book. I haven't heard from him all summer, so will be calling him one day soon to finish our conversation.
     All in good time. Tomorrow we will have some rain, I suppose, and that's needed. Rainy days are a good excuse for me to work inside and not think about the outdoor work that I didn't get done because I'm a wimp in the heat.

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Milfoil Committee and More

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