Friday, October 12, 2018

It is always difficult for me to make these announcements, and this one is especially difficult because it comes with no warning. I was informed this morning that our good friend, Margaret Fitts passed away very unexpectedly yesterday. Many people both at Joe's Pond and the surrounding communities know Homer and Margaret. Homer had made his home here at Joe's Pond for many years and then, after marrying Margaret, they eventually their Joe's Pond home  and made their home base in Barre. Margaret was such an energetic and vivacious personality, this comes as a huge shock to her friends and family. She was one of those people who seemed to have endless energy and you just don't expect to get sick. We will all miss her cheerful presence. Our thoughts are with Homer and Margaret's family. I will post more information when I have it. For now, if friends wish to send Homer a note, direct it to him at 17 Country Way, Barre, VT 05641. His phone is 802-476-6969.

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Milfoil Committee and More

 This message came from Barry Cahoon this morning:  The Joes Pond Association has formed an Eurasian Watermilfoil Committee for the purpos...