Saturday, September 15, 2018

Sometimes your day just starts off great! Yesterday was one of those days for us. We were invited to granddaughter Tangeni's school for "Grandparents' Day." We had missed it last year, but this year we were determined to make it. Tangeni called several times to remind us and give us specific directions - you don't have to pick me up or anything, I'll meet you there; don't bring anything; there will be coffee and muffins and juice, etc. 
     We had to roll out early in order to be in Waterford by 7:45 a.m. That was a bit early for me, but we made it right on time, and Tangeni was waiting outside, cute as a button, with her friend Angelina and a few other classmates. We got a big wave and then hugs. She wore her special white, lacy blouse in our honor, she said.
     Inside, we enjoyed coffee and muffins and chatting with other grandparents, and then visited Tangeni's classroom. She took us on a tour, showing us the charts and cubbies and all kinds of displays. There were no desks, but round tables where each of the nineteen students had a place with a picture to color and then give to their visiting grands. Before we left, the class entertained us with a song. We were impressed with the setup of the classrooms at Waterford, the enthusiasm of the students and the teacher. After goodbyes and more hugs, we left and proceeded with the remainder of our day, but basked in the warmth of the way it had begun. Such fun, being grandparents!

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Good News!

 The following was posted on tonight's Front Porch Forum - good news for Cabot folks, indeed! Cabot Post Office Betty Ritter • Town C...