Monday, July 02, 2018

I have been up to the upper edge of our lawn where the bear was a few days ago. I found a large tree stump ripped apart and one or two of the small logs I had placed there years ago for a makeshift border between lawn and scrub brush ripped up and shredded. There were probably ants and grubs in there that made a nice snack for the hungry bear. More power to him! There are lots of those old tree stumps left after a couple of logging operations in our woods above the house, so I appreciate bruin's help to level those stumps down. 
     This is supposed to be the hottest day of our heatwave, but it's getting off to a slow start. The sun hasn't really burned through the haze, and that keeps the temperature more moderate, at least. The haze may be due to ozone, according to the weather folks, and that makes it difficult for people with breathing problems. My breathing is ok, fortunately - the only ill effects so far for me is that when I get too warm, I get hives. Just small patches - enough to irritate and annoy. I don't recall ever having that kind of reaction to heat until I'd had radiation treatments years ago. Since then, heat-hives is just part of life. The way I look at it, it's a small price to pay.
     There is a nice breeze out there now, so perhaps today won't be as hot as expected after all. No sign of the bear again - I expect animals feel the heat, too, and they may roam at night and lay low during the daytime. That's the way Woody operates. He's stretched out on the rug in the spare bedroom - it's cooler and quieter there. He was outside earlier while I was pulling a few weeds in the garden and deadheading pansies. But I think the heat and humidity may be slowing him down a little, too.
     Yesterday Woody endured a visit from Cheree, Bob's dog. Woody does not run from dogs. He normally seems to like them - as long as they don't pester. Cheree pesters. She wants to play and pawed at Woody as he lay calmly on the living room rug. Between her not very gentle pokes with her paw and very loud barking, Woody finally lost patience and raised up just enough to face Cheree squarely and issue a very loud hiss - fangs showing, ears back, Woody let her know enough was enough. She got the message. I was glad that was as far as it went. I was beginning to think Cheree was in for a painful lesson if Woody got riled enough to reach out with his claws. I didn't intervene because I was sure Woody could take care of himself. Cheree is not visious - just playful. She has lots of energy and tires out Jamie and Marie's dog, Otto and any other dog that will play with her. And of course most cats run from her, which makes them great fun!   

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