Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Here we are at "fireworks time." The big Joe's Pond fireworks display will be tonight, beginning at dusk. The weather looks good and it should be a near-perfect evening to be out on the water or watching from a grassy perch on some hillside overlooking the pond. 
     Please remember that you will not be able to see the fireworks from the beach in West Danville. They are set off from the north end of the  pond, so most of the area around the third, or big pond will have a view. The best viewing will be from the water. Please be sure to have adequate life preservers aboard, and some sort of running lights. There will be  lots of traffic on the water and it is important to have proper lighting so other boaters can see you. Please do not go beyond the islands; that is where there could be hot residue from the fireworks coming down and could be dangerous.
     It is also important to remember that the fireworks are LOUD! Protect your pets by having a safe spot for them inside so the noise may not bother them so much. If you do have your pets outside, be sure they are secured with a harness and leash or well fenced in. Almost every year we hear about animals getting spooked and running off into the woods where they become lost. Don't let that happen to your pet. 
     We worry about the wildlife, but  they somehow seem to manage. It's probably much like an electrical storm for them. However, be aware that the loons will be on the water tonight and it may be difficult for them with so many boats out on the water. Be watchful and try to give the loons plenty of room.
     I was amused that a woman in Hardwick who has had bears visiting periodically who raises ducks, I think it was, is now hand feeding her birds and trying to keep the bears away by setting off loud fireworks. On Front Porch Forum she apologized to her neighbors for the noise and explained what she was doing. She had been advised by the Vermont Wildlife folks to try that method of keeping the bears away. Good idea.
     Have a great Fourth of July - don't forget the celebration in Cabot and surrounding towns tomorrow - try to keep cool and safe.

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