Thursday, March 08, 2018

We got a fair amount of snow today. I measured eight inches this morning around 9 a.m. and it has snowed steadily all day, so I expect we have another six or eight inches to deal with - perhaps more by morning. Jamie plowed us out twice, so the occupational therapist was able to get up the driveway ok this morning. Fred had pushed a shovel down the driveway late in the morning, to clear a path to the mailbox in the four or five inches of snow that had fallen since Jamie plowed. I was afraid he might slip, but he wore his creepers and made it just fine. He made the trip down and back three times today, and said he felt fine doing it. He's making really good progress, and the occupational therapist signed off on him today. I expect the other visiting nurses/therapist will, as well. He isn't back to normal by any means, but improving every day. Now my biggest problem is keeping him from overdoing - at least what I think may be overdoing it. Fred is determined to get his strength back, like immediately, and goes at exercising like he's training for the Olympics. I get exhausted just watching him. 
     Larry Rossi wisely decided against putting the Ice-Out flag and block out this week. He said he'd wait until this storm is over. Now we're looking at another storm coming in this weekend, so it may not get put out any time soon. Lots of snow to deal with, and that isn't easy when you're hauling those heavy blocks and stuff. I'm sure Larry will get it out as soon as it's feasible. 
     I was talking with Bobby Searles at Cabot Hardware today. Bobby always has a couple of ads in the JPA newsletter - one for the grocery store and one for the hardware store. He was telling me what good times they are having at the Den - the bar that in now a big part of the hardware store. I guess the hardware store is still called "Harry's Hardware" - the name has stuck, even though it's been years since Harry owned it. There is still a pretty good stock of nuts, bolts, nails, rope and other hardware store type stuff there, but the original counter is now a gleaming fully-stocked bar. There are tables where you can sit and enjoy a beverage and a sandwich or whatever your choice from the little restaurant at the back of the store - it's kind of a mini-mini-mall - something for everyone. Bobby says it's a family type atmosphere and with live music on a regular basis, it's the place to go. Check out the upcoming acts that will be performing there. (HERE)
      We have only seen the bar a couple of times - last spring was the last time I was in there, I think - something to do with Ice Out, I think. The bar was comparatively new then and things were just beginning to take off. Since then I've heard good reports about the groups who get together there to meet neighbors, make new friends and make music. We hope to get down there soon.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...