Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Just a quick note tonight to let our friends know it may be the first day of spring tomorrow, but the temperature sure doesn't feel like it. I spoke with Larry Rossi this morning and he said it was eleven below zero at his house this morning (or maybe he said twelve - I think my mind went blank when I heard that). When it's that cold, what's one degree one way or the other! It didn't get that cold at our house - I think it got down to something line nine above, according to our thermometers. One of ours doesn't seem to be working right. It's registering about 20 degrees warmer than anywhere else. I think like a lot of humans, the poor thing is tired of cold weather. Anyway, it's nice to see it registering thirty-something when all the rest are in the teens. 
     Larry also said he believes the ice is at least fourteen inches thick, and I'd venture to say we've probably added a few inches in the past couple of nights with temperatures below zero. Larry is going to put the Ice-Out flag out later this week, when it warms up, he said. Good thinking. There's plenty of time! The ice is going to be there for a while, for sure. 
     We are in the last two weeks of the contest, and we ran short of tickets on Friday, but Leahy Press in Montpelier printed more for us and dropped them off on Sunday at Hastings, so we now have plenty. Let one of the committee know if you need more. Diane Rossi, 563-6088; Shelly Walker, 563-2357; or Mary Anne Cassani, 684-2195. Henretta Splain is on the committee, but she's busy recording information from all the sold tickets on a spreadsheet, so don't bother her!! It seems like it's building up to be a pretty good year - the winner should have a nifty check to play with. We'll see how it goes in these last two weeks.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...