Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Happy Snow Day - again! These snow storms are getting a bit tiresome. I'd say I'm ready for a change, but I know that change will be mud instead of snow in the roads, so I'm careful what I wish for.
    We spent most of today in Burlington. It was mostly for my eye appointment, and then we did some shopping as long as we were there. The roads going over weren't bad at all. I always drive over for these appointments, but because my eyes are dilated and sometimes streaming from the shot, I don't drive home. Fred drove today, and it went very well. He hasn't lost his touch, after being mostly out of commission for nearly three months. The roads were very slushy on the way home. I thought Route 2 might be better than the interstate, and it was, but not until we got to Marshfield! That was a surprise. Perhaps the central and western part of the state was getting more snow per hour than we did in this area. Hard to tell. I didn't measure the snow this morning before we left - I'll measure it tomorrow and report the two days' worth. We left too early this morning, and I didn't want to take time to go out and measure, clear off the deck, etc. I cleared a path after Jamie plowed the driveway and it looked to me like about 4-5 inches of snow.
     Shelly Walker is our official "ice watcher" this year, and she says all the fishing shanties are off the ice as near as she can tell. It may be the fishermen decided to get them off the ice before this next storm makes the snow too deep - or it could be the ice is getting to the stage it could be unsafe to haul the shanties off if they wait any longer. We have had some really warm weather and it's hard to know how thick the ice is as this point.
      Now I need to go put together something for our supper. After the day we've had, I think a glass of wine to sip while I'm cooking might be just the ticket!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...