Thursday, December 28, 2017

The following came from Mary Whitcomb this morning: 
Good morning,  Clem returned at 7:20 for day 19 to eat 3 beakfuls of grape jelly before flying off.  He returned about 8, but left before I could take a decent picture of him.  
I had a pair of cardinals, about 8 mourning doves, 1 house finch, 2 gold finches, probably a dozen juncos, and a few chickadees eating from 7:15 on.  I finally gave in and went to take my shower.  Just as I was coming out of the bathroom, I heard a loud bang on either the window where my feeders hang or the window of the door to my deck where birdseed is spread.  I ran over to look out, but couldn’t see anything.  I fear it may have been a hawk.   : (   It took a good 15 minutes before any birds came back to eat. I couldn’t even find them in the bushes and trees, except for 2 juncos, one of them stayed in my snowball bush and the other in my hydrangea tree.  I dearly hope it wasn’t the oriole that got taken.  I can’t see any feathers or other evidence on the ground, but will keep you posted.  Also, I’ve asked Rick Prum for permission to share his lengthy reply with you and others.  I’ll keep you posted.  Mary 
We need to remember that these are wild creatures and it's a matter of survival for the hawk, if it was a hawk, as well as the smaller birds. We'll be anxious to hear from Mary perhaps later today.
It was cold yesterday and today. The temperature here got to -15 with a wind chill of -35 at some point. It is still -12.5, so not a day to be outside without proper protection. I went out to measure snow and sweep off the deck. We only got a sifting of snow, and that may have been more from the wind blowing it off trees, etc., than actual new snowfall. We have well over a foot on the ground, and that's a good start for winter!
Be careful if you're out and about here in the north country--dress for the arctic and think of the tropics! Enjoy the beauty of it all. The sky is a beautiful clear blue and the snow-covered trees against it is just beautiful. Best enjoyed from inside a warm cabin. 

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