Saturday, March 25, 2017

Finally, it's beginning to at least feel a little more like spring.  We have 36 degrees outside right now!  The sun peeked through the clouds for just a few minutes, and may make a return run before it goes down for the evening; it's enough to make birds sing and start the frost seeping out of this old Vermonter's bones.  I don't mind a chilly night, but I really hope we're through with zero and below temperatures.   I'd like to see some water running and even muddy roads would be welcome right now.  Well, perhaps that's a little extreme - muddy roads are never really welcome, but some gradual melting is very nice.

I have a message from Helen Morrison, who volunteers at the Kingdom Animal Shelter.  They are getting ready for their big spring yard sale, and Helen told me if anyone has an item or items to donate, give her a call and she'll arrange pickup.  Her number is 563-2488. This sale helps provide for the rescue animals housed at the shelter, and we all know how important it is for these animals to be well cared for, healthy and comfortable until they can be adopted.  It all costs money, and you can help by donating something for the sale.

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Update & Request

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