Friday, November 04, 2016

Did you miss me?  We sneaked off to the coast for a couple of days.  We watched the weather and hit it just right - perfect beach walking weather while we were there, but it rained buckets on the way home yesterday.  It's a good thing, though - both New Hampshire and Maine seem to be considerably more drought stricken than we are here.  

We enjoyed having the place mostly to ourselves.  There were no tourists at all - just locals walking their dogs on the beach or going for their morning run or walk.  The restaurants weren't crowded and there was light traffic wherever we went.  A really nice time to enjoy being at the beach - and it was warm enough to enjoy sitting on the lawn in front of the hotel to watch the surf.  That's Fred in front of our hotel.  About the only large groups we saw were flocks of geese migrating (top picture).

We were interested in the progress of the new bridge between Portsmouth and Kittery.  It's our understanding the old bridge, one of three, I believe, is being removed and a new one built.  It's the Sarah Mildred Long bridge.  There was no place we could get a good picture, but as we were progressing through Portsmouth on our way to Rye, NH, I got this quick shot.  We went to Petey's for lunch - great fun and really good food.  They have their own fishing dock, so everything is really fresh and delicious.  

It was raining lightly when we left Maine yesterday morning and became more intense as we progressed west and north.  This morning was much colder here, and we had snow flurries for a little while.  Nothing stuck, but it was enough to push me to get my snow stake up in the back yard.  I'm all set now - let it snow!

Here's another sign of winter approaching - a message from Jaquith Library.

Dear Friends,

It is not too late to bring your unwanted clothing. We are still accepting donations. The library is open until 7 p.m. 

Winter Clothing Drive
Saturday, November 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Free good quality clothing is available at the Old Schoolhouse Common gym. If you have good quality clothes to donate, please drop them off at the library during the week before the event. Co-sponsored by the Onion River Food Shelf and the Jaquith Public Library. Old Schoolhouse Common gym at 122 School St. Marshfield, VT 05658.

Susan Green
Jaquith Public Library
122 School St. RM 2
Marshfield, VT 05658
Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.  I always dread having to do that - I'd much prefer to just let the daylight and nighttime continue normally.  It somehow seems wrong to tamper with time that way.  Not that it's a big thing - we will adapt after a day or two.  
In case anyone is wondering, Jamie and Marie check on Woody when we are away.  He was particularly vocal when we arrived home yesterday afternoon, and I felt he was scolding us soundly for leaving him.  We think it's more that there was nobody here to provide his usual 24/7 services such as doorman, food-on-demand and choice of laps to snooze on than that he actually missed US.  He settled down by evening and stuck very close to us, though, so perhaps he did miss us a little.  Today has been more normal for him - he's snoozed on his bench by the window and seems content. 

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Spring Weather/Good News

 Thank goodness we have a rainy day today! Yesterday was so nice I was outside probably more than my winter-weary body needed, so today I...