Thursday, August 04, 2016

Ice-Out Tickets are available at Hastings Store in West Danville and the Cabot Creamery Visitors' Center in Cabot Village or by contacting Diane Rossi or me.  Today we also made them available to buy on line - 5 tickets for $5.  You can still print tickets and send them in with your $1 for each.  All instructions are on the Ice-Out page.

We don't expect lots of on-line activity this early, but the option is there if people wish to use it.

We've had another great summer day here, and another will follow tomorrow.  Then, on Saturday we will likely get a little rain - which we do need to keep everything lush and green.  Surely we can't complain about the weather this summer, but summer is rapidly coming to a close.  Fred told me this morning there is a maple on our neighbors' lawn that is already turning!  It's a very old tree that always is the first to show color, but this is a bit early even for that stressed old tree.  I've been hearing crickets lately, too, and that's always a sure sign of late summer.  My phlox is nearly ready to bloom, the bluejays are screaming about putting away food for the winter, and there's an undeniable tinge in the night air.  Plus, I had to adjust the timer that turns my kitchen light on and off.  I came out of my office to an almost dark room this weekend and realized I had to change the settings again.  It seems as if I just got it adjusted so the light wouldn't come on too soon! 

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...