Saturday, July 16, 2016

Well, this is building into a really busy weekend for us.  We had a nice chat over breakfast on Friday morning when we met Cousin Ora and Kate in Lyndonville.  We went to - I think it's called "Everybuddy's Family Restaurant" - and as usual with Kate and Ora, we needed lots of time to catch up since we only see them once or sometimes twice a year, so we lingered over coffee and looked at family pictures on Ora's tablet.  They are always doing interesting stuff and we love that they take time to spend with us.  

Today was granddaughter Tangeni's birthday bash - and I say that with utmost sincerity. Those little tykes know how to party!  Tangeni turned five on July 5th, but since some of her buddies were away, her party was delayed.  It was a perfect day for an outdoor birthday party.  There was a big trampoline and pool for swimming, lots of snacks and lemonade.  After they'd frolicked in the pool for a while, her dad brought out water balloons.  Dozens of them!!  These little kids are not bashful about going for the adults as well as each other.  That's me above dodging rapid-fire water balloons delivered by one of Tangeni's classmates.  I think she
was firing with both hands!  All of them had pretty good aim and most of the adults (there were lots of moms and dads there) at least got wet feet from the balloons breaking on the paved driveway, and some got wetter than others.  Tangeni targeted her Grandfather - he thinks she has a really good arm - I liked her concentration and follow-through.  Then, as we were leaving, she was back in the pool and took dead aim at Grandpa Fred and he came away pretty well soaked.  He got that last picture just before the direct hit.   

We had lots of fun, they are a pretty amazing group.  There were a few boys, but the girls were definitely the rowdy ones.  They were definitely more persistent in chasing down their targets.  I guess the boys preferred to keep in the background, knowing they were seriously outnumbered.  Everyone had a good time - including Grandma and Grandpa.  (Click on the pictures to make them larger.)

Tomorrow is the sailboat race - not to be missed, of course!  And in between everything, I'm working on the West Danville History manuscript, preparing for our meeting on Monday.  

When I came on the blog site just now I noticed there is a new comment that Kyle Johnson left this morning.  I'm copying it here:
 Missing our gray kayak (Emotion Stealth Angler) it's a "sit on top version with a rod holder. It was on our dock Thu night July 14 and missing the next afternoon - Friday July 15. Please call with any info. 802-274-8048 Thanks!

We had some pretty hard rain/wind going on I think on Thursday, so it likely got knocked off the dock into the water.  Give Kyle a call if you have seen it.

I also had a message from Amanda Adams - Marti and Dave Talbot's daughter.  Here's what she wrote:

I’m Amanda Adams, daughter of Marti and Dave Talbot on West Shore Road. I’m a writer and frequently write about life on the pond.
I was wondering if you would consider posting a few of my blog posts on the Joe’s Pond Blog from time to time for others to read.

Here are a few posts I have written that might be interesting to others here on Joe’s Pond…..

Post about our annual Joe’s Pond Olympics

I'm happy that Amanda got in touch, and I'll be posing her "guest blogs" from time to time.  I think you will enjoy a little variety and a break from my ramblings.
We'll no doubt see some of you at the race tomorrow - good luck, and have fun!


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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...