Thursday, July 28, 2016

Having had a few "days off" from writing on the blog, I now have a few items to share with you.

First, you will remember that Amanda Adams asked some time ago to share some of her bloggings (is that a real word?) on this site, and I posted a few.  Amanda just sent another I think many of you will relate to - I think she may have read my little story about granddaughter Tangeni's appetite for molasses cookies during her sleepover last weekend - anyway, here is Amanda's post about "Life in a Candy House."

Tangeni will be visiting us again tomorrow, but just for the day.  We did our bi-weekly shopping today and I found myself buying grape jello and some other fruity flavor that was vivid blue - give her a choice of colors, right?  And we carefully selected seedless strawberry jam (I don't like seeds, Grammie!) We also laid in a good supply of fruits and veggies to eat raw, and that's what we'll offer first.  Fortunately, she does like lots of what I consider "salad" food, but no dressing on anything, please, unless it's ketchup.  I have decided feeding girls is way different than feeding boys.  My biggest problem when my three boys were growing up was not so much finding what they liked as it was having enough to fill them up.  Seems like they were bottomless pits and I could chuck almost anything at them.  When they were growing up they all helped out in the kitchen and could put together a pretty decent meal by the time they were in junior high.  Granted, we ate very differently then than any of them do today.  We weren't avoiding red meat or carbs or fats or salt, and like Amanda's family, after they cleaned their plates, there was usually some kind of dessert.  I still always crave just a little sweet to seal the meal. 

We're looking forward to having Tangeni for the day tomorrow, and we're "armed and ready" so I won't have to worry about sending her home hungry, I hope.

I just had a very nice call from Jerome Keating, who lives in Waitsfield and has just purchased "Kilcare," the Lucenti's camp.  Jerome and his wife, Lauren, are excited to be coming to Joe's Pond and will be taking possession in mid-September. They are looking forward to joining Joe's Pond Association, he told me.

  "Kilcare" was built in 1919, and that makes it one of the oldest cottages still left on the pond.  I believe Elwin Scott, a Barre attorney, built it.  Mr. Scott owned it in the 1920s, which was about the time the Association was trying to work out an agreement with the power company as to water levels. Mr. Scott was representing JPA and an attourney named Devitt represented E. Bertram Pike, owner of the Power Company at the time.  In the minutes of the Aug. 29, 1926 meeting of the Association, it was noted an agreement between JPA and Eastern Light & Power Co., had been reached establishing a minimum and maximum water level at the pond.  This agreement had been signed by both parties and Lawyer Scott was to file the document with the State of Vermont.   

That fall the water level was drawn down below the agreed-upon level, and apparently that was when the Association discovered Lawyer Scott had not filed the document with the State, as directed.  Lawyer Scott sent a bill for his services, but after some discussion and consulting with another lawyer, there was a report by to the Association in 1933, and after it was read, Dr. Farmer made the motion that "not another cent be paid to Mr. Scott," and it was so voted.  At that same meeting, Mr. Scott's resignation from the Association was read by the secretary and accepted by members.  Mr. Scott returned the notice for dues payment that year with a note to Adalena Farmer, secretary and treasurer of the association, saying:  "Associations that don't pay their bills don't interest me.  The Cabot and Barre sides of the Pond need an association of their own.  I am sorry but believe this is the fact."

 Another agreement with the power company was later signed and recorded with the Public Service Board soon after the above fracus.  

Jerome Keating was wondering about the origin of the name, "Kilcare."  My guess was it was a way of saying that when at the cottage, the Scotts felt all their cares were gone - with the possible exception of 1933.

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