Friday, June 10, 2016

Our weather has improved tremendously this afternoon.  I went to the historical society in Cabot to work for a couple hours this afternoon and it was very chilly in the old building.  The frost isn't out of the hand-hewn timbers yet.  Peter Dannenberg and I worked on the second floor where we have a storage/work area on the stage.  It's poorly lighted, but the dim overhead light along with the stage curtain raised and the window shade up, provided enough light for us to manage.  Now that I'm back home, the sun is out and the temperature has risen considerably.  Looks like a nice day, at least for a while, tomorrow.

There was a large box of articles we'd received last season from a museum in Texas.  They had contacted us because the things they had were from the Lance family of Cabot - a prominent family here in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  I'm not sure how the items got to Texas, but probably members of the family migrated there and took treasured items with them.  We didn't find anything of great value or historic importance, but there are some nice things in the lot.  I have some old photographs to scan and insert into our albums, and there was a nice painting done by Pearl Louise Meader in about 1900 when she was 11 or 12.   The last of the Meader family died in 1914.  I had an inquiry about them a few years ago - I'll look up any notes I may have kept.  It will be interesting to put together information on the ties to the Lance family.  There were a lot of Lances in Cabot at one time - almost as many as there were Smiths and Walbridges.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...