Monday, September 14, 2015

Good Morning -
I am so glad Nancy Buttura is right on top of things over on the east shore!  She sent me pictures of the tear-down at Nicholson's this morning.  Nancy said they started at 6:30 a.m.!  The top picture is the camp as it was in May, 2013, after they purchased the Ailes cottage and took it down to enlarge their lot.  Now they have plenty of room to build the home of their dreams here at Joe's Pond.  It will be interesting to see it progress.  Right now there is a lot of preparation work going on, but once the lot is cleared, I bet it will move quickly.

I expect Mark and Robin had a few moments of anxiety if they were on hand to see the wrecking ball taking the first swing at the cottage they have enjoyed for a good number of years, but having a new place will be wonderful for them, and we are happy for them.  

I've asked Nancy to keep an eye on things for me since we can't see the work site from our house and won't get over that way often.  I'll share whatever photos she (or anyone else) sends. 

We had 1.26 in. of rain overnight.  It rained quite hard off and on, and we've had a little sunshine and a few showers this morning, so a welcome change - except for people who must work outside!  It's going to be a raincoat day, I guess.  I'm off to the Danville Historical Society in a few minutes for a meeting.  It's a good day for that sort of thing.

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