Thursday, June 11, 2015

Support Kingdom Animal Shelter

*Pet Parade on Saturday, June 13, beginning at 10 a.m. in St. Johnsbury, up on Main St.  Bark in the Park tennis ball raffle winners at around 11 and the CartVermont garden cart raffle winner.

*Yard Sale to benefit KAS.  June 20, all day, at Butler's Bus Service in Lyndonville.  If you have any items you would like to donate, please call me, 802-563-2488, and I will come get them.  No electronics, clothes, exercise equip.

*2016 KAS Calendar Contest:  enter a photo of your cat (there can be other pets, but there must be a cat).  13 top winners will be on the cover or on a month's page.  All entries will be in the calendar somewhere.  Check out our FB page or webpage for instrux.
Helen Morrison

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