Saturday, April 25, 2015

We are saddened to learn of the death of Sonja Decker's father, Judson Britt, in North Carolina.  Mr. Britt was 96.  Our deepest sympathy to Sonja and her family.  If you wish to send a message to Sonja, her address is:  Mrs. Ted Decker, 19 Green St., Woodstown NJ 08098.

I have a message and photo from Chico Carcoba over on Woodbury Pond: 

Jane, North Montpelier pond out as of 4/18.Woodbury pond has solid ice in big pond and where access is, brook feeding lake opening up that area and narrows never freeze over are open.
   My predictions as in past years;(and mother nature has fooled me)-- North Montpelier out and 2 weeks later Woodbury goes, and the fooler is Joe's which goes 1+ week after Woodbury. Chico and Sharon

 So there you have it - now we will wait for someone to report when Molly's Pond is out and then we can expect Joe's will go just about a week later.  But like Chico - these predictions come with a disclaimer because even though most years the process is reasonably similar to previous years, Ma Nature does like to toss in an upset every now and again, and this year has been crazy enough so anything may happen.  Thanks to Chico for the update.

Just briefly - we had snow overnight, but it has disappeared now and the thermometer is finally above freezing by about 4 degrees.  Nothing to get excited about, but we did see a short break of sunshine earlier this morning, and that is encouraging.  At least there are no more snowflakes drifting down on us like earlier this morning - and no rain, either.  All encouraging signs.

You may already know that Mt. Mansfield has had something like six inches of new snow in the past couple of days.  Here is an interesting graph from the University of Vermont that will show the snow depths at the mountain this year compared to average years.  We didn't have a January thaw to take any of that snow away this year, so it will all be melting this spring.  At least spring is slow in coming this year so there probably won't be a lot of water coming off the mountain all at once to cause flooding in the valleys.


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Milfoil Committee and More

 This message came from Barry Cahoon this morning:  The Joes Pond Association has formed an Eurasian Watermilfoil Committee for the purpos...