Monday, January 19, 2015

    We've had a bit of weather in the past couple of days.  It warmed up yesterday, Sunday, and as predicted, rained.  That made the roads pretty treacherous.  In lots of places it produced instant ice, and even though the road crews were expecting it and did everything they could to keep the roads safe, it was still a surprise to some folks and there were a number of pretty serious accidents.  It all turned to snow fairly quickly here, and we gained about 5 inches during last night.  Today we've had snow showers much of the day so probably have another couple of inches.  Yesterday's snow was heavy and wet, and some places lost electric power; we have been lucky so far.  The trees are bending under the weight, but after the last heavy snow, Washington Electric Co-op had crews out cutting any trees or limbs along the lines in our area that were either on the line or close to being on it, and I think that helped.
    We have some photos of how we looked today after the wet snow stopped and before today's flurries.  Check out the slide show.

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A Newsy Day!

Here is a reminder:    Here is the link to the hearing [which was held on Thursday, December 12]. This link will also allow you to submit w...