Tuesday, January 27, 2015

    Here we are, getting some snow today and the thermometers are still hovering around zero - well, a little above right now at high noon - 3.8 on my indoor-outdoor, but right on zero still on the one outside my office window.  It may be frozen in place - it's been at zero since I first looked at around 8 this morning.
    We have confirmation that there were some planes on the pond the other day.  On Thursday last week, this little yellow one came down at 2:30:36  and the second one (you can just make it out against the trees as it was coming in to land) landed just seconds after.

These shots came from Diane Rossi, taken from the Ice-Out cams.  Pretty neat, isn't it?  Diane said she and Bill were probably at home, but missed seeing them, but went back on the security camera and found the images.  Thanks for sharing those shots, Diane.
    To finish my weather report for today - at zero degrees and recording wind gusting to about 5 m.p.h. at our house, I'm not walking today.  I  know that a 5 m.p.h. wind in our sheltered spot means as soon as I get to the mailboxes at the end of the driveway, I would be slammed with a really strong blast, and with the snow and all, I'll take my exercise some other way today.

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A Newsy Day!

Here is a reminder:    Here is the link to the hearing [which was held on Thursday, December 12]. This link will also allow you to submit w...