Sunday, September 14, 2014

Another cool night last night, and we had some rain yesterday - I wouldn't have been surprised to see snow on the ground this morning, or at least frost, but apparently it warmed up a little and the overnight low was 38 degrees - a bit better than Friday night when it was 34.  Right now the sky is still overcast, but the sun breaks through from time to time and the temperature is in the low 50's.  There is a wind, however, and that will keep things feeling cool.  If you are planning on going to the memorial for Sue Fitts Martin at the Joe's Pond pavilion this afternoon (2 - 4 p.m.) do wear something warm because it will be very chilly, even with the side curtains down.

Did anyone see the Northern Lights either of the past two nights?  It has been fairly overcast both nights, I think, and I didn't see any sign of them at all.  Perhaps some places skies were clear enough.

We have seen several bikers going by this morning - part of the "Ride the Ridges" event being held in Cabot, I expect.  This is a good day for that sort of activity, far better than a blistering hot weather, for sure.  After this brief "cold spell," I expect we'll have some very nice weather again.  We can hope.  I was noticing yesterday that my "golden glow" flowers are not as tall as usual and some are barely budded.  They are usually in full bloom by the first week in October and soon after generally get hit by frost and the leaves turn black and wither and the blooms droop.  That, for me, is the end of fall and the beginning of pre-winter season.  They are the last to go.

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