Wednesday, July 09, 2014

This was just about as perfect a summer day as one could wish for.  We were actually in Burlington, seeing friends off at the airport, but at least until late afternoon, the weather was beautiful.  On the way home, Fred stopped at the John Deere place in Montpelier, and I took this picture of the hospital complex from the car as I waited.  It was a bit hazy and storm clouds were gathering about then, but we didn't have any rain until we were nearly home.

On the way to the airport, one of our passengers, from Switzerland, commented that ours is one of the nicest capitol buildings in the country, in her estimation.  Fred got this picture as we drove along Route 2 towards the interstate. 

There was a very nice thank you note posted on Front Porch Forum by the chairman of our Cabot Select Board tonight.  It was a public thanks to Terry Persons, who has organized the Cabot Fourth of July rummage sale for the past several years.  This was Terry's last year - she's "retiring" from that volunteer job - and he let her know how much the community appreciates her dedication and hard work.

Just one more photo before I hang it up for the night - this picture came from Fred's cousin who is vacationing at Newark Pond.  She said the humming bird feeder had just been put out, and this goldfinch was the first customer.   He's beautiful, isn't he? 

I've been watching the ospreys regularly, and just now I saw notice of another web cam, one in Alaska where it's salmon fishing season for the bears.  They didn't seem to be having much luck tonight - it's evening there, four hours behind us.  Click HERE to see them. 

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