Monday, July 21, 2014

This came from Steve Allen this evening:
Jane, this afternoon around 3:30 - 4:30 we saw a loon chick and two adults on the 3rd Pond and a chick and one adult on the 2nd Pond.  So we do have at least two chicks.
Best, Steve & Bev
We are happy we've had confirmation from several sources that we still have one chick left with each of the two loon families.  They must be getting big enough now so the danger from natural predators is significantly less.
We're pleased the weather has been so nice lately - lots of folks are 
scratching their heads wondering if this is really Joe's Pond or maybe they've wandered into some fantasy summer paradise. Let's just enjoy it - I'm sure the time will come for pay back. It's beach and swimming weather, or like these folks, time for sitting in the shade of a big maple tree watching the young folks in the water and counting the boats going by.
Summer for us is when relatives come a callin' - and that's always a joy.  The winters are long and we can rest up then, but for now, we are more on the go meeting for a meal at some nice spot and lingering over coffee and dessert while we catch up on family happenings.  So far this summer it's been only Fred's side of the family, but my side will have their time for "visiting" before the summer's over, I expect.
We were at Juniper's for breakfast one day last week, then at what used to be the Charlmont in Morrisville on Saturday.  Now it's the Stone Grill.  Both were very good.  Route 15 is all torn up in front of the Stone Grill, but they still seemed to be doing a fine business.  It was very quiet at 
Juniper's. They have mostly the guests from the Inn at breakfast, but the views from there are so lovely, it's nice going there any time of the day. We try to meet our cousins half-way between wherever they are staying and our house, and that seems to work well.
Did you see the article about Brandon Wells on home page?  It was published this week in the Caledonian Record.  Brandon is Dale Wells's grandson.  We have several young fishermen on the pond, and from time to time someone sends me a photo.  And yes, I have a file with all those past photos! 
Don't forget to get in touch with Pam Hebert (684-3655) for tickets to the Italian Dinner coming up on Saturday, July 23.  I think the weather is going to be just about perfect this weekend - a little cooler, but still really nice.  We're almost at the end of July, and that means summer will be on the way out of here sooner than we realize.

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