Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Look at this colorful gal - and no surprise, she's been entered in the
Kingdom Animal Shelter Calendar Cover Contest.  Her name is Zippy and she belongs to Steve and Bev Allen on Meadow Lane.  Here's what they wrote: 

We've entered our late camping cat Zippy in  Kitty Calendar Cover contest!  The pic (see attached) shows her on the dash of our RV overlooking a PA Amish Farm.  If you are so inclined maybe you might give her a daily vote!
Kitty Contest

Steve & Bev
I gather she's no longer with Steve and Bev, but she looks as if she was the perfect traveling companion, and it's very nice she is being honored in this way.  Voting takes place the whole month of July, so vote every day for Zippy or whoever is your favorite kitty.  Or enter a photo of your own.

We've been surprised at the sudden increase in homes for sale at Joe's Pond.  We've added a couple within the past few days, and also a new rental ad.  People suddenly seem to be moving around a bit, but I could have predicted this - I just finished publishing a new directory for members, and whenever I do that I can count on there being a bunch of changes in ownership as soon as I finish.  Thus, the new directory needs to be updated almost immediately.  It's a conspiracy! 

Not really.  People have to make changes in their lives from time to time; we never know what's just around the corner waiting to topple our serenity.  Jobs change, circumstances change, kids grow up, we retire, we find new interests, have a dream or an "itch" to scratch, there are health issues and we  get older.  Whatever the reason, we adjust.  Life happens; roll with it.

We were in Cabot Village for a little while this morning.  We met Stephanie Burtt, wife of Greg Burtt who has the really large apple orchard on Cabot Plains Road, just before the junction with Route 215.  Stephanie is a cute, energetic young woman (they have two children) who works alongside her husband and was also helping out at the historical society building.  She told us they have added cherry trees to the orchard and have cherries nearly ready to harvest.  That is interesting, we thought.  They do a pretty extensive maple sugar business, too, and a little later will have garden produce at their stand along with cider and apples.  All this in addition to the beef cattle Greg and his dad raise on the farm.

By the way, have you been reading the series on the Caledonia National Bank in the Northstar Monthly?  I think the first article was in the April issue; I've read the first two and have started the third.  Patty Houghton Conley has researched and written the articles, four in all, and it's a fascinating story of how the bank started, was very successful for many years, was robbed and finally came to a bad ending a few years ago.  People who had always trusted the bank and invested their savings, lost nearly everything.  Patty had close connections to the bank through her father, Seldon Houghton, and she's done a remarkable job of presenting the history and facts.  I've been particularly interested because my grandfather Bolton thought highly of the Caledonia Bank, and our family was related to Asa Wesson, a well respected early president of the bank.  My grandfather and Patty's father would both be stunned and saddened by the circumstances that caused the demise of the bank.

By the way, if you look closely at the background of the Northstar home page, you'll see it's of Joe's Pond's middle pond.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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