Monday, June 16, 2014

Those of you who use the West Danville Post Office probably received the same Customer Survey Notice from the United States Postal Service that I did today.  Our personal mail comes through Cabot, but all the Joe's Pond mail I receive as secretary of the Association comes through the West Danville Post Office; therefore, I have concerns after reading the notice saying the hours at the West Danville Post Office will be changed, and what is being considered is that it be open two hours in the a.m. and two hours in the p.m. 

Please take time to read and respond to that Customer Survey.  When I spoke to Diane Jejer about the change, she said it would mean extra travel for her and would be a very cumbersome way to operate.  A better solution would be a block of four hours, either in the morning or afternoon; not split up into two-hour segments.

Although I'm sure reducing hours will be inconvenient for lots of us, I understand it's inevitable and better than closing the post office entirely, which is something that has happened to other small-town post offices in the recent past.  I definitely understand Diane's point - I can't imagine going to work twice a day.  That pretty much ruins the day for anything else, and in bad weather, going out on the highway extra times each day is not in anyone's best interest; but also, I personally would find it frustrating having to time visits within a short two hour window.  I have hard enough time remembering the window is closed at 11:30 every day through lunch.  It would be a lot more convenient to simply know the post office is open only in the morning, or only in the afternoon. 

Perhaps if lots of people fill out the survey and offer ideas and comments, it can be worked out.  There is also to be a meeting on July 23 at the post office at 6:30 p.m. for people to ask questions and express their opinions and concerns, so mark your calendars and plan to attend if possible.  Perhaps a reasonable solution can be agreed upon that will work for both staff and customers.

If you have questions, I'm sure either Diane or Garey will be glad to explain the impact this change will have on them and us as customers.

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