Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Our pretty day is fading, but it has certainly been nice up until now.  We're in for a few days of showers, but even so, we can't complain.

There has been no sign of the big turkey today.  I guess Woody did a good job of letting him know he was trespassing and wasn't welcome.

When I send out notices to members, I'm always struck by how quickly people often respond, and in addition, I love that they share with me, like the message I received from David Tilgner, who bought the Corley place on Channel Drive:  
I do want to mention that my daughter, Kate, and I had a chance to go to the newly opened restaurant in Hardwick, The Vermont Supper Club.  It is a few doors down from Positive Pie (I think in the old Claire's restaurant location).  We know the chef from his days cooking in Waterbury, and he does a great job at providing a varied menu, some good kids' selections, a good bar, and delicious food.  You might want to make mention in the blog to encourage folks to go try it out.  They have a website at http://vermontsupperclub.com/ which shows the menu, etc.  I highly recommend it!
Of course, I checked the menu right away, and it does look very nice, made me hungry, in fact.  It's great to add another place to eat that's close by and recommended by someone who's been there.
David mentions Positive Pie - and that I can recommend - good pizza and a lively crowd whenever we've been there.
I went to pick up the mail this morning and noticed Ned and Carolyn Hamilton are getting a new roof at their place on West Shore Road.  There was work going on at Barbara Pollack's, too - a new septic system, I'm guessing, by the size of the hole in the lawn.
Speaking of lawns - Fred mowed today for the first time this year.  He said the grass was long in some places, but really didn't need mowing in others.  It's still pretty wet, too, and with more showers headed our way, it may be we'll have to leave some spots a while longer than usual if things don't dry out.  I was thinking today that instead of fighting with wet spots, I'd really like to have a pond or two; but on the other hand, I'm not eager to tear up the soil, either, even in a wet spot.  I do enjoy hearing the peepers this time of year, though, but the vernal pools we have near our house don't last long enough to support them.  We can usually hear them down across the road from us in the marsh by the pond, though.  Sometimes they are really loud.  When we lived at camp, sometimes visitors would complain that they kept them awake at night.  Personally, I can't think of nicer "music" to fall asleep by.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...