Monday, May 12, 2014

I just had an interesting e-mail from Butch Bouchard:

Susan & I were driving up Chatot Rd. Sunday afternoon & saw this bobcat cross the road. So with my trusty iPhone in hand, I got a decent shot of it below the roadway. Really an impressive cat although I've seen some amazing shots of Woody as well. 

We know these beautiful creatures are "out there" in our woods, but we don't often get a chance to see them, let alone be quick enough to capture them on film.  Woody does not tolerate other cats at all - we are hoping he's smart enough to avoid his big cousin, bobcat.

We had a very busy weekend - for us.  On Friday night we went to the TANK Band reunion benefit (Cancer Foundation) concert/dance at the Moose Club in St. Johnsbury.  As drummer Gordy Gourlay said, "This is like Old Home Week!"  We sat at a table reserved for the band and their families/friends, and there was a steady stream of people coming by to reintroduce themselves.  I say reintroduce because it has been something like 30 years since the band broke up and everyone went their own way, and aside from the 2007 benefit at the Packing House Lounge, they hadn't played together since.  They had a loyal following in the 80s, and a lot of those people were at Friday night's performance.  It was difficult - actually mostly impossible - for me to recognize most of the people who came up to me to say "hi," and even if they looked familiar, I was usually at a loss to think of their name; but it was great fun that they stopped by, and also that when I compared notes yesterday with Bob and Jamie, who were both there, I discovered they, too, had a hard time recognizing some of their old fans - literally "old" fans. Old enough so many of them had ear plugs, as we did; which at least for me is like locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen, for a few years ago I was told by a doctor certain levels of my hearing is gone, "probably due to loud music."  All those years following Bob's band around, I suspect.  I'm thinking of suggesting if they do another concert they should turn down the volume - it would be perfectly acceptable to their now much older fans.  

It was great fun, and we hope they don't wait another seven years to get together again. (Top picture, Gordy Gourlay on drums, his brother Rob, and Bob Dimick on keyboards.  Bottom picture shows Pete Henault, Al Douse, Rob and Bob.)   A band called "Neutral Ground" opened for TANK, and they were very loud, too, and obviously had lots of enthusiastic fans. 

On Saturday, we were at granddaughter Jo-Ann's dance recital.  That is always fun.  There are dozens of youngsters, girls and boys, from little tots to teenagers, dancing their way through modern, jazz, ballet and tap routines; all of them doing a great job and
having fun. This was our third year - or maybe our fourth - attending, and we are always impressed with the precision of the dancers and superb organization of the whole performance.  I'll do a slide show of some of the dance recital later, but here is a shot of Jo-Ann (second from left) in one of her routines.  

Yesterday was a lovely Mother's Day for me - I felt quite queenly, being honored with visits from my children.  The weather was beautiful and flowers are blooming - what more could one ask!

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...