Friday, February 07, 2014

We've added about 8 inches of new snow in the past couple of days.  I'm showing 16 inches at my backyard stake - there was a little more than that, I think, yesterday, but it has compacted somewhat from wind and it's own weight.  It hasn't melted, that's certain.  We had a low of around zero last night, and today it's been in the low 20's and there's a mean gusty wind that makes it feel colder.

I spoke with Diane Rossi this week, and she's working on putting a thermometer in view of the web cam at their house.  Someone wrote to  us with the suggestion - Diane said she wondered why she didn't think of doing that herself.  Even if she finds a suitable thermometer, she will probably wait until the weather warms a bit before going out to set it up.  Right now it's pretty bitter out there.

We've had warnings about the possibility of bears coming out of hibernation during the unusually warm periods we've had in between the deep cold periods.  I don't know - it's a little far fetched in my opinion, but I suppose the experts know what they're talking about.  Anyway, if you see bear tracks, steer clear of the area as they may be pretty ugly having awakened to a cold and stark world without any food available.  The report was that a hunter's dog was killed by a bear in Elmore recently.

Here's a schedule of upcoming events at the Jaquith Library in Marshfield.   (Click Here

Here's something of interest to those of you who have shot some really nice pictures in our area.  One of your photos could be on the cover of the 2014 Kingdom Guide.  Click HERE for information. 
I noticed the information states 2013, but it was apparently not updated from last year's request for photos.  The e-mail I received clearly stated 2014, so check your photos and enter the contest.

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Spring Weather/Good News

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