Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking Back

I decided this was a good time to take a quick look back at what I have reported for snow this year.  I reported in October a trace of snow, in November 16 in., and in December 28.2 in.  The total for 2013 is 141.7 inches.  I looked back and found 2012's total snowfall was 118.2 in.  This is for the year, of course, not the winter season.  So far this year, the total snowfall has been about 3 inches more than the same period last year, October through December.  It's just that we're getting it in a bit different way, perhaps - rain turning to freezing rain turning to ice and then measurable snow.

I'm not going to look back at the people we've lost during this year - we all have our own personal lists and every newspaper, television and radio station in the country is doing the more public ones and recalling major events.  I'm going to look back at just some of the good things that happened last year - like not having enough geese this spring to warrant a "roundup" at Joe's Pond, and like getting the power plant that was washed out in the spring of 2012 back up and running.  We lost a  business in West Danville when Jeff Downs died in September.  Jeff had run the Joe's Pond Country Store for a number of years, and his most faithful companion was Gracie, his dog (at right).  There was some concern about finding a family for Gracie, but after a few days, a relative of Jeff's agreed to take her, and those of us who knew her were relieved.  She is a sweet dog and deserves a good home. The store was taken over by the Passumpsic Bank and unfortunately is still vacant.

In early May we had an unexpected snow storm that laid heavily on the trees that were just budding.  We feared for the apple crop and wondered if the maple trees might be damaged, but after the snow melted and a few weeks of sunshine and warmth, everything came back to life beautifully and our apple producers had a better than normal crop.  It would be hard to tell if the maple crop was affected; I suppose it wasn't.

One of the best things that happened around here this year was the end of the Route 2 Project through Danville.  Although this huge undertaking seemed to drag on forever, everything seemed to move rapidly to a close this summer.  Almost before we knew it, the sidewalks were finished, signs were back up, there was a stop light at the Hill Street intersection, the Green was lovely again, and all the trucks and noise were out of here.  Business owners breathed a sigh of relief, and we could all move through town without being held up in traffic.  No yellow suits anywhere.

There were lots of great harvest suppers this year - this one at North Danville was super good.  We had some great ones  in Cabot, too, featuring turkeys from Dunstable Farm in Cabot. 

The pond froze over the day after Thanksgiving - a bit earlier than usual, but then it opened up again here and there, with some parts remaining frozen.  Only a couple weeks later, Ted Chase was skating by Bill and Diane Rossi's, much to their alarm.  Ted had measured the ice and knew it was safe, but he said he did hear it cracking . . . we're just glad he returned safely  home.  I bet Barbara was watching, and maybe wondering about the wisdom of her husband being out there.
We entered Woody in a photo contest for a calendar being produced this year by the Kingdom Animal Shelter in St. Johnsbury.  He didn't win, but he's ok with that.  He has plenty of fans, not the least among them, Tangeni, our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter.  We think he's handsome and at least fairly smart, although like all felines, he has his moments when he makes no sense to us humans at all.  However, it usually turns out he was just needing something.  I'm sure he wonders why we haven't caught on to his demands better, and questions if he'll ever get us trained.  We often remember what a friend once told us, "A dog has owners; a cat has staff."

These are only a few of the memorable things that happened in 2013.  The bad or sad events will fade from memory, but I'll try to hold onto the good stuff - like all the people who have responded positively to this blog, the fun meetings with Joe's Pond folks, the excitement of our Ice-Out Contest, trips, dinners, walks in the woods - all that, and more.  I hope you all have many good memories of 2013, too, and that the New Year brings everyone more of the same.  We wish the very best to all of you - to be safe, happy, loved and prosperous.  Happy 2014!  
                                                   --Jane, Fred and Woody


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