Friday, August 30, 2013

The weather pattern lately seems to be hazy starts for each day, turning sunny, hot and sticky until mid to late afternoon when we get overcast and a few showers.  This morning I had just .01 inch of precipitation in my rain gauge, and that was mainly from afternoon showers yesterday.   We can't complain, I guess, temperatures are slightly higher than "normal" for the month, and things are still looking fairly green due to the frequent brief showers.

Diane Rossi sent this photo of Bill being taken for a ride by Bob Noyes in Bob's 1915 Model T Ford.  What a cool car!  We've often seen Bob taking it out for a spin along West Shore Road.  I think my father had a Model T, but it would have been a later model than Bob's - more like 1925 or so, and it was a coupe.  My father and his brother, Harold, traded a motorcycle they had repaired for the car - they were teenagers, still in high school.

I am scanning the material we used for the Cabot oral history book in 1999.  I may have mentioned this project before - but now I'm well into it and appreciating all the great material in these interviews.  The interviews were done mainly by Barbara Carpenter and Amanda Legare, largely on reel-to-reel recordings which were later transcribed.  Some of the interviews date back to the 1980s; then in the 1990s we began compiling the book from those transcriptions. Barbara, Amanda and I divided the material into "chapters" that included subjects such as doctoring, fires, schools, weather, transportation, etc., and went to work, picking material from dozens of interviews.  Although we ended up with over 200 pages of text and photographs, we weren't able to include every bit of pertinent or interesting information from those interviews.  We are hoping to make all of that available eventually - when I have finished scanning and we decide how to present the material.  In the meantime, I chug along.

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