Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Marching Band on YouTube

Homer sent this link to a very nice presentation honoring the armed services of our nation.  It is the University of West Virginia Marching Band.  Take a look (with your speakers turned up); it is impressive!  Granted, it was filmed in 2011, but that doesn't diminish the impact.  Very nice, and thank you, Homer.

Muggy weather again today.  I worked outside late in the afternoon yesterday, and it was really HOT.  I got done most of what I had hoped, but would like to get outside again later today, when it has cooled down a tad.  In the meantime, I'm into a new project, preserving the interviews we did in 1999 for the oral history book.  It would be nice to make them available in their entirety, now several years have gone by since the book came out, and there is a lot of information in them that we didn't use in the book but that we feel has historic value.

There are other things that are coming right up, too.  First, I want to let everyone know that Helen Morrison will accept returnables at her garage, at 936 W. Shore Road.  You'll see the garage on the left as you make the turn at her mailbox, just before you get to Don Encarnacion's.  Helen said if it isn't convenient to drop them off, she will come and get them.  So, if you're overloaded after the holiday weekend, or still have a summer's worth of returnable cans and bottles, give Helen a call: 563-2488.

Also, if you have items we might put in our Silent Auction at the Apple Pie Festival on October 19th, you can drop them off at my house, just up the road from Helen's, at 640 W. Shore Road, or give me a call and someone will pick them up - 563-2381.  I've mentioned before that the Apple Pie Festival is the major fund raiser for the Cabot Historical Society, and our Silent Auction table is an important part of the process.  We have donations of all sorts of things, hand-made items, useable household items, tools, toys, gift packages and collectibles, among other things.  Let your imagination by your guide.  It's often surprising what items people will bid on.

I  just learned that Joanne Bugbee's father, Charlie Moulton, of St. Johnsbury, died.  Joanne and her husband, Mike, have owned a cottage on Route 2 for several years, and all that time I never knew she was Charlie and Madeline Moulton's daughter.  I've known Charlie and Madeline for a long time, and used to bump into them frequently in St. Johnsbury even after I moved away, but hadn't seen them for a few years.  Charlie was an "old school" sort of guy - full of fun, but every inch a gentleman.  He will be missed not only by his loving family, but by the many friends he made over the years.  He was 89.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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