Monday, March 04, 2013

We're getting more snow today.  It's one of those blustery March days that's just a bit colder (19 degrees) than we have had, and there's a blustery wind right out of Canada blowing down Joe's Pond like it was January.  I think we could say that March came in pretty much like a lamb on Friday - all warmish and fuzzy.  Still, we have a fairly respectable amount of snow on the ground - but the banks along the roads aren't nearly as high as usual.  This picture was taken yesterday of West Shore Road from the end of our driveway looking southeast.  This morning the stake in the back yard shows 23.5 in. of snow on the ground.  

I was surprised this morning when one of the weather people mentioned next Sunday starts Daylight Savings Time.  Can it be that time already?  I checked on line and sure enough, March 10th, and we switch back to Standard Time on November 3.  So next Sunday we'll "spring ahead" one hour.  That is always nice, and I really wish we didn't have this time change thing, but in the scheme of things, it really isn't all that important.

Here is something more important - at least to some of us.  Work has been progressing on the revision of Cabot's zoning regulations, and that may affect many residents here.  One way to find out what's being considered is to attend one or both of these presentations:

Cabot Planning Commission Invites You to Free Meal and Presentation – March 6 & 7, 6 pm–7 pm
This week the Planning Commission is interviewing two consulting firms as finalists for the task of developing revised zoning regulations.  As part of the interview process, each consultant will make a presentation to the community on The role of land use regulation in realizing the vision of a community.
Please join us for a free dinner on March 6th and again on March 7th at 6 pm, and hear a presentation by LandWorks of Middlebury and PlaceSense of Port Henry, NY, respectively, on each of these nights.  Your thoughts and comments are welcomed as we make a decision on this important task.

If you live in Cabot and are registered to vote, remember that the very important school meeting is tonight at 6 p.m. sharp, at the gym.  Tonight will decide another important issue, whether to close the high school or not.  However it turns out, there will be hard feelings.  This issue has come up before, but I don't recall ever witnessing such divisiveness and rancor.  Fred and I will go to the meeting tonight, but I don't look forward to it.  I'm afraid it won't be the usual town meeting where neighbors get together to hash out issues and then shake hands at the end, still friendly neighbors.  We'll see how it goes and report here tomorrow.

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Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice...