Saturday, March 30, 2013

Homer Fitts is the greatest - he never forgets a holiday greeting and when he's at camp, always has appropriate decorations according to the holiday.  This morning I got this from him:  
He also wrote that he and Margaret will be with family here in Vermont for Easter, so a big "Welcome Home, Homer & Margaret" to them, and HAPPY EASTER to them and everyone.

I'm reminding everyone that there are only THREE DAYS LEFT to purchase and/or get your Ice-Out Contest tickets in.  The contest closes at midnight on April 1.  Picture Fred poised over the computer, ready to pull the plug on the on-line ticket sales at precisely midnight on Monday.

I hope you'll use your tweets and Facebook postings to remind friends to check out the Ice-Out Contest on  You'll be doing them a big favor, giving them a chance to win about $5,000.  We expect sales to be about the same as last year - perhaps a little more - depending on these next three days.  Make it happen!

I have news about the ice on the pond:  Diane told me this morning the latest report of ice depth is 16 inches.  That came direct from Everett, who is a frequent ice fisherman.  Diane said there was someone fishing near their home yesterday - not much activity today, but if the weather holds, we may see more this afternoon.  Tomorrow being Easter, perhaps not so much.

There was a meeting Monday regarding the high bacteria counts we had last summer here at the pond which closed the public beach at least twice.  Kelli Merrell, who is an environmental scientist with Vermont's Lakes and Ponds Management/Protection Program, did a presentation that will give you a clearer understanding of the problems Joe's Pond had and may continue to have.  We have posted Kelli's report on the website, and this link will take you directly there. 


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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...