Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Just before what we all thought was going to be a BIG storm last week, I received this photo from Evelyn Richer.  Then I got busy and it hung out in my picture file until I realized yesterday that I hadn't posted it.  While the image of the "Happy House" on Sandy Beach Road has no doubt disappeared from view with the snow we got and keep getting, I still want to share it.  Here's what Evelyn wrote about it: 
"Good morning Jane! Yesterday I looked out our window and saw this 'happy face' smiling back at me! Since I figured it was going to be leaving by today it needed to be recorded! (And I was right! As Ray would say, "There it is, gone!") (The image is of the shadow of our house and the edge of our watergarden.) Enjoy the storm!! Blessings from this "Happy House" Evelyn and Ray

I love these unexpected images that show up only when we kind of think outside of the box.  Thanks to Evelyn for making us smile - even as we're getting more snow.  They may not see that happy house smile again until March or April!

Ice Out ticket sales are picking up.  We've had our first on-line purchase using PayPal.  Directions to use that method of joining the Ice Out Contest are on the Ice Out Page.  Actually, we've had a couple of sales come in that way - one was someone in California, and I'm not sure where the other one was.  To use that method of payment, one must purchase 10 tickets.  It's easy and secure, and we immediately have the ticket information so those tickets are in the contest as soon as you hit the "send" key.  You can still print tickets and send them by regular mail, and of course our regular outlets are mostly stocked now - I admit I need to get more out in the St. Johnsbury area, but Don Walker has tickets available in the Montpelier area, Diane Rossi has distributed tickets to outlets in Marshfield, Plainfield and Barre, and there are tickets available at Walden Four Corners, and Cabot will have them within a day or so at Bobby Searles's general store.  I just need to get down there to deliver them.  Diane will also get tickets to outlets in Danville, and of course West Danville has had them available since July.

By the way, did you know that the folks at Hastings Store are celebrating 100 years as a family-owned business?  Jane's grandparents, Gilbert and Jennie Hastings purchased the store on October 13, 1913 from Burt Wells.  Some of you will remember Gilbert and Jennie, but more will remember Jane's father and mother, Ralph and Mabel.  Now Jane and Garey run the store with the help of daughter Jennie and her husband, James Rafuse.  Last night, WCAX had a short clip about the store with the latest generation, James and Jennie's daughter Alyssa, operating the cash register - learning the business and ready to lend a hand.  Later in the year I expect Garey and Jane will come up with something special to celebrate their 100 years as a family business.  Congratulations, Jane, Garey, Jennie and James!

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...