Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Danville Route 2 Project
Project:  Danville FEGC 028-3(32)
 Route 2 Roadwork:


Crews will alternate between the west end of the project and the east end of the project throughout the day. 

West End of Project:  Crews will begin paving in the morning at the project limit and work their way east towards Walden Hill Road. 

Travel will be reduced to alternating one-way traffic around the paving operations.  Motorists can expect delays on this end of the project. 

East End of Project:  Paving crews will also be paving the widened sections of the roadway near Marty’s and work their way west.  Motorists can expect two-way traffic in this section of the project while crews pave.

Contact Francine Perkins, Public Relations Officer, FRP Enterprises, LLC with any questions or concerns with regard to this project at 802-479-6994 or for a more up to date schedule visit www.roadworkupdates.com.

Meeting - June 7, 2012
1.  Approve minutes of May 17 and 31, 2012.                                               
2.  Public Comment       
3.  Administrative Duties
            a.  CCRC Scoping Study
            b.  Vermont Center for Rural Development
            c.  Ennis Road Bridget RFPs
            d.  State Structures Grant
            e.  Zoning Board of Adjustment
            f.  Lister Cost Tables
            g.  2012 Budget
            h.  Dog Ordinance
            i.  VASA ATV
4.  Correspondence
5.  Legal                                               
6.  Other Business
7.  Adjourn
NOTE: At 5:30 pm the Cabot Corridor Revitalization Committee will be meeting at the Willey Building as well..
We've been informed that a very large Northern Pike was caught here at Joe's Pond today.  It weighed in at 11 lbs. 12 oz. and was 38" long.  I hope to have more for you on this story tomorrow.

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Milfoil Report

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