Wednesday, February 01, 2012

This came from Andy Rudin this morning:

Hello Vermont people,
It is hard to believe it is February 1.
Here are photos of our first snowdrop bud and some daffodils pushing up.
I counted eight robbins in our back yard.
And the squirrels are chasing around like it was April.
Spring is coming soon, but then, maybe a snowathon as well.
It is currently 63 degrees outside.

I have to say, even though we don't have as much snow as usual this winter, a sign of spring like this would be welcome.

We actually have a very spring-like day in progress here today. At this moment the thermometer outside my window reads 40 degrees and the sun is just coming through the clouds after a pretty steady rain for the past hour. I just measured it and got .10 in. The temperature is supposed to head downward again with lows in the single numbers for the next few days. That means more ice, of course. And no appreciable snow in the forecast.

So thanks, Andy, for this breath of spring.

Fred and I went to Cabot Village today. We got the car inspected and I did some research at the town offices. While I was at the TCO, Fred distributed Ice-Out tickets and posters to both stores. We've had them at the hardware store for a few years, and now they are available at the general store, too. Bob Searles, the owner, was happy to have them. It's always so nice when merchants are enthusiastic about the contest.

Before we left town, we both strolled down to the Organix Hair Studio. That was a very pleasant stop. We introduced ourselves and right away, we were associated with Ice Out! Turns out it's not just a hair salon, but there are a couple other businesses located there - one is a massage therapist. I'll find out more about that. There was an article about it when the hair salon first opened, but I either didn't save it or I just haven't filed it yet. We saw a couple of people there we knew - no surprise, I guess, after living here for so long - and picked up a business card. I've had a couple of inquiries about the salon, but could never recall the name. Now it will be on the Joe's Pond website, complete with phone number, 802-563-2275. The card stresses their products are 100% ammonia free , not tested on animals, and ingredients are certified organic. That's pretty cool.

From there we went to Durant Cemetery to get some pictures for a woman who is researching her ancestors. I was surprised at how little snow they have in Cabot. We didn't have high boots on, but didn't even go over the tops of our shoes. I'm guessing there might have been four inches, tops. There are probably bare spots after this rain. It wasn't raining when we were there, but it was foggy, mild and smelled like spring. I guess that's as close to spring as we'll get for a while. Back here on the hill above Joe's Pond, there are still 14 inches showing at my back yard stake, even after the rain. I had 15.5 in. at 9 a.m.

By the way, there are some interesting articles in the December Cabot Chronicle. One is an interview about the hazards of WI-FI. Go to
Click on Page 5, at the bottom of the first page, and I think you'll see it is the first article on that page. There is a rebuttal in the January issue, and you'll find a link to that. We've been leary of wireless phones for a while, and now have only hard wired phones in our house. We still don't have cell phones, but in the car we have On-Star - which we seldom use, I might add. Old fashioned and behind-the-times? Probably, but we both spend so much time on the internet, I guess other means of communication seem excessive. I've never liked long phone calls much. When my kids were young and I was a stay-at-home-mom, I always kept a sewing basket, bills to pay, or some other work I could do handy by for when someone, usually other moms, called to chat. We didn't have caller id then, of course, so we couldn't screen out political calls or those wanting to sell something. That was back in the day when phones were large enough to cradle comfortably against one's shoulder, and of course they were tethered to the wall or on a short cord on a desk. When the kids were really small, a ringing phone signaled time to get into something they knew they weren't supposed to, or start a fight with a brother. We young mothers were all in the same boat, so we were used to abrupt hang-ups when the rumpus got too loud on either end. Hard to imagine that was some 50 years ago . . . ! How fast time slips by.

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