Friday, January 27, 2012

We've been rained on most of the day, with the temperature right around freezing, so there is quite a bit of ice on everything. So far we haven't lost power, but I expect some other places may have. The ice is pretty thick and heavy, and the snow is heavier. I was surprised at how heavy the snow was when I began shoveling the deck to get to my rain/snow measurement tube this morning. It was soggy with water.

I measured two inches of snow on my snow board, and even with all the rain there were 11 inches of snow still at the stake. A woman called from Burlington today looking for historical information and when I mentioned we have almost a foot of snow she was thunderstruck. She said there is practically none there - what they had washed away in the rain. I volunteered to hunt for a headstone she needs a photo of, but not if the snow is too deep by the time I get a chance to go. I really don't want to go in on snowshoes or have to shovel snow away from the stone in order to get a picture. There may not be as much snow in the Lower Village as there is here on the Plain, and I can't go until sometime next week, so we'll see. In the meantime, I found a few things she may be able to use.

I watched some of the debate last night but slept through most of it. Ron Paul is quite the one-line comedian, but over all, I didn't find it very entertaining or enlightening.
Perhaps over the next six months the pace will pick up . . .

There is a bit of scanner chatter regarding road conditions tonight. In some areas the highways are a bit slippery so the sand/salt trucks are still out there. It's been a long day for them. Schools were closed in most eastern and central Vermont areas, and some people didn't make it to work this morning because of the road conditions. Right now there's a tractor trailer in the St. Johnsbury area that's not able to make it up a hill. I didn't catch what road it's on, but the road crews are headed that way to help. It's a good night not to have to travel. The forecast is that tomorrow will be better.

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