Monday, July 18, 2011

I just had a nice comment about our fireworks display at Joe's Pond this year. The comments here on the blog are always posted at the end of whatever entry they are about, and this one is back a while, so I'm posting it here. It's always nice to know we are appreciated, and I know at least some of our JPA Board members read the blog - here is the annonymous comment:

The fireworks display at Joe's Pond was incredible this year; it seemed like the finale went on forever. Thank you to the Association for such an impressive show!

I sort of took the weekend off in order to catch up on some things, mainly a long-promised article for the North Star Monthly. Justin sent me a reminder last week, so I got to work and finished a preliminary "bones" first draft last night. This morning I read it and of course it needs major editing; but I'm having a hard time getting to it. It's called "procrastination." I've sorted through junk mail - both mine and Fred's, which causes some minor friction in our household since I find it much easier to organize his paper piles than my own - organized my closet according to colors and items (but to avoid further irritation, I left Fred's side of the closet alone), and now I'm blogging. If there isn't any interesting e-mail to answer when I finish here, I'll work on the article. But first I think I'll rearrange the living room furniture . . .

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...