Monday, June 27, 2011

We want to remind you to get your luminaries to put along your waterfront, decorate your deck or whatever, around the lake. It's so pretty when everyone has them placed along the water's edge during the July 4th celebration. This weekend the fireworks will be on Saturday night, weather permitting, so get your luminaries lined up and be part of this bigger-and-better-than-ever celebration.

Here's what you do: Pick up your luminaries at Hastings, or get them from Lynn Hamilton, Patty Rubalcaba, Diane Sherwood, Pam Hebert or Diane Rossi. They are only $1 each. Saturday night, before dark, put a little sand in the bottom of the white paper bags to hold the candle and place them a few feet apart along your waterfront where they will form a ring around the pond and reflect
off the water. It's so pretty. Then settle down to watch the fireworks. They'll be set off from the same place as the last couple of years, the rail bed just off Channel Drive. If you are out in your boat, please do not go past the islands, as that could be dangerous with debris falling or failed or miss-fired missiles could land there. This year's fireworks should be even more spectacular than usual since there was a large anonymous donation made - we are very appreciative, and know it will be a super special evening. Here's more information on the luminaries - click on the picture.

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