Friday, May 27, 2011

Here are some pictures we took today of the damage done by last night's storm. Unfortunately, we're getting a little more rain right now, with thunder and lightning - again. Not what we want to see happening at this point. Tom Dente reported the water has begun to recede in the pond, and that was good news. If we get more rain tonight, the level may stay high longer than we'd expect.
Here is the slide show:Joe's Pond flood damage

From Joe's Pond, we went to Cabot where we'd heard there was massive damage. Some people along the Winooski there had to be evacuated. We had to go up Churchill Hill Road and down Bothfeld Hill Rd. to West Pond Rd. into Lower Cabot to get to the Village as the bridge at the foot of Bond Hill by the recreation field and the town garage was out. We came home by going up Danville Hill to Rte. 2.
Flood Damage in Cabot Village

1 comment:

Abby+Wilson said...

I love your blog! Thank you for doing this. You guys are way more current than wcax or the caledonian record, I come here to get all my news:)

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