Saturday, April 09, 2011

Here's something you'll be interested in, I think. I had this message from Evelyn Richer tonight:
Just a note: Ray went out on the ice here in the cove this morning and took the 18" auger with him... he went all the way down (18") and still couldn't break through the ice... That's really thick for here in the cove... (near the channel)... We have a couple of ducks and about 16 geese tonight... Spring is a comin'... Saw a robin yesterday...(more tonight) Red Winged Blackbirds came a couple weeks ago...

The ice near the channel being 18+ inches is really surprising, but I expect with the rain that's coming our way and 70 degree weather (I'll believe that when I feel it!) things will change quickly. I heard some geese this morning, but thought they would pass us by since there's no open water. Evelyn has a point, though - things are changing and spring is on the way.

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Catching Up and A Mystery!

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