Tuesday, March 01, 2011

What a nice day! Couldn't have picked a nicer day for town meetings. We went and stayed until noon. It was a struggle, but they managed to get through seven articles, including electing a moderator and approving the minutes of last year's meeting - each a no-contest issue. There were several articles that were on Australian Ballot.

It was a really nice day, as you can see by this picture Fred took on his way back from recycling this afternoon. I put together a slide show. March, in like a lamb!

Here are the results of the voting:

Rogerson* 230
Christman 65

Rogerson* 223
Christman 63

Ducharme 236*

Cookson 96* 20
Stecker 18 67*
Durgin 11 13

FIRE TRUCK BOND ($150,000)
166 121

SOLID WASTE DISTRICT (no cost to Cabot)
181 97

Cabot School Drainage ($33,145)
210 90

Farm to School ($2,204.74)
221 79

Cabot Chronicle ($7,950)

159 136

Thanks to Will Walters for the above information.

We both forgot to take the camera to town meeting. We try never to leave home without it (!) but very often have to go back for it, or like today, wish we had. Town meeting was pretty much the same as usual, with the same people speaking up and the same people remaining quiet. Larry Gochey is retiring from the select board, and he got a very nice standing ovation for his years of service. It is our understanding he will remain as unpaid road commissioner. I didn't have a chance to talk with him, but if I had I was going to ask why our roads are plowed so narrow - or maybe I should ask why they aren't plowed as wide as usual. In most places it looks as if the plow had only plowed down the middle of the road.

At one point around 2 p.m., the sun was beating in my office window and my "peeping Tom" thermometer read 60 degrees. It didn't stay that high for long - as soon as the sun dipped behind the trees, it dropped again, into the 20s. Right now it's 12 above, but by tomorrow morning, we may have nasty weather -- again!

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Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice...