Thursday, January 27, 2011

I had a slide show from Liz Randall of the snow they're dealing with on Long Island. It's good to see that John has a good supply of working tractors down there as well as here at Joe's Pond. That's a LOT of snow. Take a look: Snow on L.I.

1 hr. later: I checked my e-mail and there was this from Liz: Plowing
You should turn on your speakers to get the full effect of the "Cub" - here's what Liz wrote:
They just reported the Snowiest January on record for Long Island.
So far we've had 60 inches in 7 storms about once a week since before Christmas.
This is unusual for Long Island and John has never pushed this much snow with his old 1950 Farmall Cub.
...He said the poor thing is getting tired and the clutch was getting hot pushing the snow back.
Looks like VERMONT without the Mountains....
They said the burst from 1-2 a.m. last night was 5 inches in one hour! Tues, we got 3 inches, Wednesday (yesterday) we got about 4 inches during the day and overnight last night was another 16 inches.

John got up to put wood in the stove and looked out the window and couldn't even see the neighbors house. We wish we had our snowshoes!!!!
He's heading down to his parents to plow them....
Be safe and keep warm, Liz

Thanks, Liz - sorry you guys keep getting socked with snow. We have just about enough here, but could use less of the sub-zero temperature thing.

Yesterday we had to go into St. Johnsbury right after lunch and as we approached West Danville, noticed a snow machine sitting idle, nobody around, in the middle of the first pond. We wondered what it was all about, but thought perhaps it belonged to the Turners at Point Comfort. When we came back late in the afternoon, we stopped for the mail and Garey asked us if we knew who it belonged to. He said it had been there for "several days" and nobody seemed to know who left it there or where the driver was. We said we'd put something on the blog to see if we could help find the owner, and we were ready to take a picture when we went by - but it was gone! Garey had said someone had notified the state police and they were going to look into it, so perhaps the owner was located and all is well. Garey hadn't heard any more when I called him this morning, so the mystery remains. Perhaps it just quit in protest to the cold weather - do snow machines still do that? I know the one we had many years ago had a mean little habit of quitting miles away from home. It happened with my dad once and he had to walk out of the woods - fortunately, not too far from his home, but a big chore for him at his age; another time it quit on Fred up on the Roy Lot, way above where Kate and Jay Chatot live now, and he had to walk home, then walk back with the necessary part to fix it and bring it out. We got rid of the thing shortly after that.

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