Monday, November 29, 2010

We've enjoyed an absolutely beautiful day today. The temperature was in the low to mid-30's most of the day with bright sunshine and hardly any wind. The pond is very close to being completely frozen over - really cold nights - but the forecast is for some pretty warm days until later in the week, so some of it will probably open up again.

Fred noticed these guys enjoying the sunshine in Danville this morning. You can see we have a few inches of snow, but I expect a lot of that will melt in the next few days. However, by the weekend we'll have winter back.

We walked on Sandy Beach Road today and checked out all the activity. There is really a lot going on there. First we checked the water level at Walter's (or maybe I should have said the ice level!) and it's about 4 inches below the top of the cement wall - not high, but not low, either. I guess that's about as good as it will get.

We went on to LaGue's where they ar
e completely closed in now and working in the basement area. We took pictures of the inside - really very nice, and a great view from those big windows. There is a deck on the left of the three windows - you can see the sliders in this photo.

We saw cat tracks in the snow and the carpenters said it's the yellow and white cat Fred took a picture of a while back. They said it comes around regularly to check them out - looks well fed, so they think it belongs in the neighborhood. We found tracks way up into the field along the path past Morgan's. We also found a dead uneaten mole, so figured the cat probably isn't awfully hungry.

At Gagne's, they seemed to be finishing up some roofing on the front of
the house, and there are more windows/doors to get on. Next door, by Bouchard's, two men were working in a rather deep hole next to the road. Turned out they are Onion River Well & Spring Service and they were installing a pump that will service three cottages on that road. They explained how it would keep the water flow constant, no matter how much water was being used at any one of the cottages. They are out of Marshfield, and you'll find their business card on the web site.

Next we noticed something going on a few cottages down at Rouleau's, so stopped
there and found Garrand Caulkins leveling the lawn over the mound septic system there. It looked very nice and we enjoyed our short visit with Garrand. He's done work for us in the past, too.

Once back home, we both settled in to work at our computers. I've finally put the new web site up for the Cabot Historical Society, but it is just a beginning and there are lots of glitches that I'll be ironing out as I go along. I hope to work on it a little every day or so in order to keep the process fresh in my mind. If I'm away from it more than a couple of days, it's sometimes hard to remember how or what I was doing when I left it. You can see it at It's not pretty right now, but I'll be working on that, too. There is a ton of information that needs to go on, but this is a start.

Fred and his cyber partner are doing a web site for the UVM Center on Aging, but that's much more involved than the historical society one I'm doing. The historical society needed to have something that just about anyone can manage so that after I'm done getting stuff put on, others can just go in and add to it, update or make changes. Then I'll be able to get back to the stuff I enjoy far more. I don't much fancy being a web master.

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Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice...