Monday, March 22, 2010

It's a drippy day here. The temperature has been in the 30's all day with a drizzly rain going on. So far no snow, but that could happen tonight. I took this picture just a few minutes ago. That's our lower lawn in the picture below. We've been watching for turkeys, deer or anything else out there, but so far we've seen only birds. More and more of our lawn is showing up, but nothing looks very green yet.

The rain will help bring things along and I wouldn't be surprised to see some new grass after this. Because we've had less snow than usual, we really need
the rain to soak the ground and get things growing. Most of my flower beds are still under a foot or more of snow because they're close enough to the driveway and walks so they get an additional cover from shoveling and snow blowing, but I'm sure we'll see some early varieties poking through soon. My daffodils are coming along well, but I won't have any for Easter.

Ice-Out Ticket sales are revving up, and that's par for the course in the last couple of weeks before the contest closes. If you have been waiting to send in your picks, don't forget that April 1st is the deadline.

Plans for summer activities h
ere at Joe's Pond are beginning to take shape. I've been communicating with Bo Keach and she is hoping some of you will volunteer to help out with Kids' Day on July 4th at the Recreation Area. It's planned to begin after our JPA meeting, at about noon. There will be games and other activities for children of all ages, a clown, and light refreshments. Bo will fill you in on details. We hope you will plan your Fourth of July activities to include that afternoon of fun designed for the children and their friends around the pond.

If you have ideas about activities or have something you'd like to do with the kids, like face painting, games, working with crafts, etc., get in touch with Bo. All ages are welcome to pitch in. Bo will not only need people to help plan and do activities, she will also need help with food, some strong backs for setting things up, people to work with little tots or oversee older kids' games, so all ages, from teens to grandparents will be needed. You can contact her by phone at 802-748-8404 or by e-mail: I'm sure Bo will be very glad to have your ideas and support.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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