Sunday, August 23, 2009

We had a small but productive Fall Meeting of the JPA today (Sunday). It's late as I'm writing this, so I'll put a slide show on and tell you more about the meeting tomorrow. The minutes will be posted in a few days, after I've transcribed them.

The weather was fine - the rain never really happened, although there were sprinkles in the morning and it was cool enough so we took jackets and I even tucked a sweater into my tote. When we got to the meeting, people were in shorts and there was considerable discussion about the weather on the west shore of the pond vs. the weather on the east shore. Turned out Diane and I both got really warm and had to shed our jackets, but back home it was cool and around supper time Fred asked me if I wanted a fire. I didn't, but we did close up all the windows. It's very comfortable now, but there's a chill in the air we haven't felt in a while.

Anyway, here are some pictures Fred took at the meeting today. Slide Show

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