Monday, August 17, 2009

I thought everyone should see this Lake Trout which Joe Cassani caught at Joe's Pond on August 9. It is 25 1/2 inches long and weighed 6 lbs.
Ray Rouleau

What a nice fish. Thanks, Ray for sending that along. Great picture.

Then I got this from Rob Denny on Cove Road:

Rob wrote:
These men claimed that they were looking for ice cream!!

Yep, Rob - they probably were. I came upon them at Hastings Store about a week ago, scarfing ice cream cones bigger'n a man's fist - the kind Garey and Jane serve up regularly. I've also seen them working their way through hot dogs. They seem to fancy themselves specialists in the field of hot dogs and ice cream. I think they're harmle
ss, but we should probably keep an eye on them, especially around cookouts and picnics. I suspect they'd crash a party in the blink of an eye if they smelled hot dogs or ice cream.

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