Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here's a message of interest to those who have homes or summer cottages at Joe's Pond. From our Joe's Pond Association President, Tom Dente:

The Board of Directors meeting Saturday morning disclosed a need to address a problem with phosphate and chemicals flowing to the Pond. These chemicals will ultimately "kill" the Pond. Unfortunately, some misinformation has been verbally communicated and to be sure all members have the correct information, the following is accurate:

The program [discussed at the board meeting] is not about cesspools or other member water or waste systems; it is, however, about how the water gets from the gravel roads to the pond, and the damage caused by use of chemicals on lawns.

Gravel roads can be a significant phosphorus source, depending on how the roads are maintained and upgraded. The majority of gravel road miles are maintained by municipalities, and Vermont towns average 46 gravel road miles each. Vermont’s gravel roads around Joe's Pond effectively become part of the stream network during a rainstorm or spring melt, with the roadside ditches more often than not discharging directly into Joe's Pond. The runoff is important in that it reduces the life of the pond. Where run off occurs from the gravel roads, it should be put through a filter before reaching the Pond. Joe's Pond Association Board of Directors believe the problem will be controllable if we start filtering the flow of water through culverts from the roads into the Pond, removing the problem material before it reaches the Pond.

Folks that use materials on their lawns add to this problem significantly. Members should stop using chemicals on their lawns, and those who pollute the Pond with the use of chemicals on their lawns need to deal with themselves and the future they cause for their children and grandchildren.

Members will hear more about this program during the JPA meetings this Spring and Summer.

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